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Government Jobs | Results | Admit Cards
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Indian Army SSC Officers Recruitment 2025, Apply Online for Various Posts
Updated On : 17 February 2025 04:32 PM
Indian Army Recruitment 2025
Indian Army SSC Officer Recruitment 2025. Indian Army hiring 76 candidates. Candidates With Graduates Can Apply Online on or before to 15-03-2025.
Name of the Post: Indian Army SSC Officer Online Form 2025
Post Date: 31-01-2025
Latest Update: 17-02-2025
Total Vacancy: 76
Brief Information: Indian Army has given an employment notification for the recruitment of 58th Short Service Commission SSC (NT) Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
Indian Army Recruitment 2025 Overview
Indian Army has recently released advertisement regarding SSC Officer recruitment 2025, last date for application submission is 15-03-2025.
Indian Army
SSC Officer Vacancy 2025
Important Dates
- Starting Date for Apply Online: 14-02-2025 at 15:00 Hrs
- Last Date for Apply Online: 15-03-2025 at 15:00 Hrs
Age Limit (as on 01-07-2025)
- Minimum Age Limit: 19 Years
- Maximum Age Limit: 25 Years
- Born not earlier than 02 Jul 2000 and not later than 01 Jul 2006 both dates inclusive
- Candidates Should Posses Any Degree (Relevant field)
Vacancy Details
Vacancy Details |
Post Name | Total |
NCC Men | 70 |
NCC Women | 06 |
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online |
Important Links |
Apply Online | Click here |
Detailed Notification | Click here |
Short Notification | Click here |
Official Website | Click here |
| |