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Pharmacist / Pharma Jobs Vacancy 2023-24

The majority of candidates looking for Pharma Jobs government jobs who have completed their B.Pharm, D.Pharm, or M.Pharm degrees are chemists. There are several government employment for pharmacists now accessible in hospitals, clinics, and other Central and State organisations as pharmacists, drug inspectors, etc. Candidates that are interested. The Pharmacy vacancy has been advertised by the Central and State Governments Pharma Jobs.

 Clinical/Hospital Pharmacist 

The job of filling prescriptions, verifying instructions from various doctors and physicians, educating patients, taking care of basic first aid, medical shots, and vaccinations, are just a few of the major opportunities that one may frequently and easily prepare for. Another major opportunity is hospital or clinical pharmacy.
IT/Technician/Supervisor/Assistant Pharmacist
This is a wide category that covers a variety of jobs, from medical device management of crucial medical equipment in operating rooms and diagnostic centres to laboratory supervision responsibilities and helping head chemists. Additionally, one must monitor pharmacy inventory units, manage pharmacy finances, and assure appropriate compounding.
Para Medical Jobs
Railway Recruitment Board, CISF, etc run exams for different para-medical job positions like Emergency Care Assistants, Ambulance Staff, Staff Nurse, Health & Malaria Inspector, Lab Assistant & Superintendent, ECG & X-Ray Technicians, Dialysis Technicians, Dieticians, Optometrists, Physiotherapists, Radiographers etc. and beginning salary after the pay-scale revision by 7th pay commission has gone up to Rs 6 lacs per annum. Applying for these jobs is simple if you have a degree in pharmacy.

Pharma Jobs Organizations & Boards

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Central Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG), the Regional Medical Research Centre NE Region (RMCNE), the Rajendra Mohan Research Institute of Medical Sciences (RMRI Patna), the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), the Research Institute of Medical Sciences (Imphal), the Institute of Medical Sciences BHU, and medical colleges and universities in each state are a few organisations that have