Jobs Description

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DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 – Apply Online for 642 MTS, Executive & Junior Manager Posts

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 for 642 posts of MTS, Executive & Junior Manager Vacancies. Candidates With 10TH, ITI, Diploma, CA Can Apply Online. The online application opens on 18-01-2025, and closes on 22-03-2025. The candidate shall apply online through DFCCIL website,

Name of the Post: DFCCIL Various Vacancy Online Form 2025

Post Date: 15-02-2025

Latest Update: 08-03-2025

Total Vacancy: 642

Brief Information: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of MTS, Executive & Junior Manager Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 Overview

DFCCIL has announced a recruitment drive for filling MTS, Executive & Junior Manager Vacancies; Read official notification and apply on/before 22-03-2025.

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL)

Advt No: 01/DR/2025

Various Vacancies 2025


Application Fee

  • For Gen/ OBC/ EWS (For Executive): Rs. 1000/-
  • For Gen/ OBC/ EWS (For MTS): Rs. 500/- 
  • For SC/ ST/ PwD/ ESM: Nil
  • Mode of Payment: Through Online

Important Dates

  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 18-01-2025
  • Last Date for Apply Online: 16-02-2025
  • Dates of opening the “Window” for Application Form Correction: 31-03-2025 to 04-04-2025
  • Schedule for 1st stage Computer Based Test (CBT): July, 2025
  • Schedule for 2nd stage Computer Based Test (CBT): November, 2025
  • Schedule for Physical Efficiency Test (PET): January/February, 2026
  • Extended Last Date: 22-03-2025 at 23:45 hrs

Age Limit (as 01-07-2025)

  • Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible as per rules

Pay Scale

  • Junior Manager – Scale Rs. 50,000-1,60,000 (E2 Level, IDA Pay Scale)
  • Executive – Scale Rs. 30,000-1,20,000 (E0 Level, IDA Pay Scale)
  • Multi-Tasking Staff –– Scale Rs. 16,000-45,000 (N-1 Level, IDA Pay Scale)

Selection Process

i. Selection is made strictly as per merit and following extant reservation rules

ii. Details of Computer Based Test (CBT) is as under: 

  • There shall be two-stage CBT (1st Stage CBT and 2nd Stage CBT) for all Advertised posts.
  • The standard of question for both 1st and 2nd stage CBT will be generally in conformity with the Educational Standard prescribed for the posts.

iii. Negative Marking:

  • There shall be negative marking in both 1st and 2nd stage CBT and as such 1/4th of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

iv. Qualifying Marks:

  • UR/EWS – 40%,
  • SC/OBC-NCL– 30%
  • ST -25%. 

Vacancy Details

Vacancy Details
Post NameTotalQualification
Junior Manager (Finance)03CA/ CMA
Executive (Civil)36Diploma (Civil)
Executive (Electrical)64Diploma (Electrical)
Executive (Signal & Telecom)75Diploma (Relevant Field)
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)46410TH, ITI Pass

How to Apply

  • Extended Last Date: 22-03-2025 at 23:45 hrs
  • Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions have to apply through online mode on DFCCIL website only i.e.
  • Candidates are advised to read the following instructions carefully before applying online and also all the instructions given on main page of online Application.
  • Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling online Application Form.
  • In case of multiple registrations for the same Post, the candidature is liable for cancellation/rejection without any notice/intimation to the candidate.
  • Any mistake committed by the candidate shall be his/her sole responsibility.
  • Application through any other mode will not be accepted. No documents are required to be sent to DFCCIL by post in connection with the Application.
  • Candidates can apply online by visiting the DFCCIL website and going to the tab “Career” available at
  • Candidates will get the DFCCIL Recruitment Home/Index page and have to click on “Register” available on this page for new Registration
  • Candidates will be redirected to Registration page and further needs to sign-up by filling up Post applied, Name, valid Mobile Number and valid E-mail ID.
  • After this, candidates will have to Generate OTP and accept the Terms & Conditions by clicking 'I Agree' Checkbox.
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online
Important Links
Extended NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Notification Click Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

FAQs DFCCIL Recruitment 2025

What is the deadline for submitting a notice application?

It will expire on March 22, 2025.

What is the opening date for notification applications?

The application start date is March 21, 2025.

What is the notification's application mode?

Registration is done online..

Which positions are these job?

The position is known as a DFCCIL Recruitment 2025 - Apply Online for 642 MTS, Executive & Junior Manager Posts.