State Forensic Science Laboratory, Madhya Pradesh

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State Forensic Science Laboratory, Madhya Pradesh

The Directorate of Forensic Science Services (DFSS) is a nodal organization of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India to propagate and carry out best forensic science practices in the country to serve the cause of criminal justice delivery system. DFSS has been established in the year 2002 on bifurcation from the BPR&D, New Delhi. Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) formerly known as Central Forensic Institute) was established in the year 2011 along with CFSL Pune and CFSL Guwahati, under the DFSS, MHA, Government of India. With the motto of “to provide high quality, on time and credible forensic services” the CFSL Bhopal has the aim to propagate and carry out best forensic science practices in the country especially in the North Eastern region to serve the cause of criminal justice delivery system.

CFSL undertakes the scientific analysis of crime exhibits referred by various forwarding agencies such as CBI, NIA, DRT, Judiciary and Vigilance Departments of Ministries & Undertakings & State/Central Government Departments from its jurisdiction which involves following states of North Eastern India:
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan (As per MHA Order No. 25020/61/13/FW/MHA published in the Gazette of India on July 26, 2013). The experts of CFSL examine the exhibits forwarded by the Investigating Agencies and render expert opinion and substantiate their opinions in the Court of Law through court testimony/expert evidence.The laboratory also undertakes R & D work in the grey areas of Forensic Science for development of forensic science in the country.

Presently, the Laboratory is located at Barkhera Bonder, P.O. Bairagarh Kalan, Bhopal – 462030 comprising of six divisions namely Biology/Serology, Questioned Document and Photography, Chemistry/Narcotics, Ballistics, Computer Forensic and Speaker Identification and Audio-Video Tape Authentication. Other divisions such as Forensic Intelligence, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Toxicology, Explosive, Forensic Physics and Forensic Engineering are also to be developed.

CFSL Bhopal is committed to provide dependable Forensic Science Service of International Standards to Justice Delivery System by doing continuous research and developmental efforts. This will help in providing un-delayed justice to the common man in the North Eastern states through the aids of science. We are also committed for introducing latest scientific techniques in the investigation of crime and for the administration of justice by modernising/upgrading CFSL in respect to human resource development as well as latest scientific technology.

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